There are many ways for our Faith "Partners in Ministry" to become active in the life of our congregation. One of those ways is by becoming active in one or more of the committees and organizations of Faith Lutheran. (It’s also a great way for newer members to become acquainted and feel "a part" of our congregation!)
An explanation of our various committees and groups is on the next several pages. Many of the listings also tell when the group meets, along with the name of a contact person. If you need further information, just contact the church office or the Pastor.
The Christian Education Committee meets for the purpose of assessing and responding to the educational needs of the congregation and to support new educational auxiliaries. Also, to implement and evaluate on-going and special education programs of the Sunday School and the Vacation Bible School; to provide and schedule programs for Confirmation and First Holy Communion. The committee meets Sundays after worship at 11:30am. , dates to be determined. Contact person is Joanne Gantz-Jaloweicki, Director of Christian Education.
The Finance Committee monitors and oversees the investments that have been entrusted to the church for the purposes of contributing benevolence monies for ministries provided by our synod, for providing scholarships through The Rev. Robert L. George Memorial Scholarship program and for maintaining our church. We meet with our financial planner semi-annually to review our investments. Reviewing our present budget and preparing a new budget for the coming year is an important task of our committee. Special meetings are sometimes called if there are special needs to be met for the church where funds are required. The committee meets 4 times a year at 7pm., as announced, in the Office Workroom. Contact person is Zach Keenan.
The Property Committee’s purpose is to provide for the maintenance, janitorial service, insurance of the church owned buildings and grounds. The committee locates and relates with reputable firms in the purchase of services, equipment and supplies. The committee coordinates the efforts of a hard working volunteer group. The committee meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Contact person is Mike Miller.
The Social Ministry Committee promotes the outreach of the congregation to the community and the world. The committee looks for ways that Faith Lutheran can assist people outside our walls and provides Christmas and Easter visitations to homebound members. This ministry is also responsible for food baskets for the less fortunate families for holiday meals. The committee meets as needed. Contact person is Cindy Rowan.
In the area of Stewardship, the committee works towards planning a year-round emphasis on stewardship; to foster to the congregation an understanding and appreciation of stewardship as a thankful response to God. The committee strives to encourage each member toward a realistic estimate of giving and a commitment of time and talent. The Stewardship Committee cooperates with the members of the Finance Committee in keeping the congregation informed about Faith’s financial status and aware of current financial concerns and anticipated major expenses.
Outreach also means “Evangelism, but people step back from that word. Our committee looks for ways to encourage individuals to witness for Christ by sharing their faith in word and deed; to welcome new members into the congregation, to reach out in personal ministry to the inactive and the unchurched. Also, we endeavor to encourage spiritual growth through Bible study and devotions, to welcome everyone to our services and to promote enthusiasm in the congregation.
The New Member Orientation is carried out by this committee. The committee normally meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Office workroom. Contact persons are Samantha Pierce and Joanne Gantz-Jalowiecki.
The Worship and Music Committee is responsible for working with the pastor, in the planning, scheduling and evaluating of all services of worship. Also, we work in conjunction with the director of music, and coordinators of the Altar Guild, ushers, acolytes, nursery attendants, lectors,and lay assistants. The committee is responsible to make worship more meaningful and to educate the congregation in matters of worship.
The committee meets the second Sunday of each month, following the 10:30 service. Contact person is Sheldon Ehret.
Normally, the Nominating Committee is voted upon at the January congregational meeting; if necessary, members are later appointed by Church Council. This committee is tasked with finding nominees to stand for election to Church Council, and to provide biographical information on each nominee, to be published in the newsletter. Any member of Faith is eligible to serve on Church Council. Members are elected to three year terms, and may serve two consecutive terms.
This committee meets in the beginning of each year to audit the accounts of the previous year.
Contact person is Tom Smykowski.
This committee evaluates and determines the needs and wishes of the members of Faith Lutheran in an effort to provide recreational, social and spiritual activities.
The two yearly Craft Fair/Quilt Sales are organized by this committee.
The committee has organized bus trips, and outings to ball games, as well as dances and dinners breakfasts and additional social events.
Contact person is Rosemarie Haffner.
Several years ago, it was determined that there was a desire by some people to have a place at Faith Lutheran where the cremains of loved ones could be interred. After our building project, a task force brought about the creation of our Garden of Faith.
This committee was formed in 2007 and tasked with looking for ways to raise additional money so that we could replace funds borrowed from our endowment fund when
we repainted the sanctuary and replaced its carpeting. They organized fundraisers and have continued their efforts. The Wheels of Faith car show, soup sales, spaghetti suppers and the garage sales are examples of their productivity. Contact person is Mike Miller.
This is our “personnel” committee. The group maintains all files and appropriate documents. Job descriptions and reviews are a function of this committee as well as hiring of staff and staff support as needed. They update our human resources handbook, maintain legal updates and make appropriate recommendations to Church Council. Contact person is Pat Himmelwright.
When Pastor George died in 1993, a scholarship fund was set up in his memory of The Rev. Robert L. his wife Jean and others.
The fund continues to grow, and the yearly dividends are given as scholarships to members who are students in higher education. The committee meets annually to
decide and evaluate applications and funding for the scholarships. Who the recipients will be and the amount they will receive.
A council person is designated to coordinate and inform Church Council of all fund raising efforts of the church.
Currently, the committee oversees these fund raisers: Basket Social, Car Show and Craft Fair, Spring and Fall Craft Fairs.
One of the newest committees at Faith Lutheran. This groups tasks is to work with the staff - overseeing the computer-related needs of Faith Lutheran. What new equipment do we need? How will it all be networked? What will the web site look like and who will keep it updated? Do we have the latest versions of the programs we are using? What does the future look like? How can we use projection in the church? This committee also oversees older technologies, This committee also oversees video taping, audio taping of the services and evaluates the compatibility of new technology with our current hardware and software making sure the microphones work. Contact person is Ernie Haller for IT and Jeff Holobusky for Audio.